Thursday, April 15, 2010

What I'm reading...

I started reading Julia Child's My Life In France this past summer, and I'm finally getting around to finishing it (although probably not until I finish the 3 research papers due in the next two weeks...yikes). Everyone knows that Julia Child was one of the most accomplished chefs of all time, and an inspiration to American women who wanted to pursue their dreams of becoming professional chefs. The book is a memoir of her early years learning to cook at La Cordon Bleu in Paris, and falling in love with her husband Paul. Not only do you see how she learned to cook, but you also see how her love of food was born when she moved to France. The descriptions of the food she both cooks and eats are mouth watering, so you might be in a constant state of hunger while reading, but it's definitely worth it. She writes in a way that makes the reader feel like Julia is right there with you, telling the story of her life...maybe while she's cooking you an amazing meal...I wish!

1 comment:

Abby said...

I've been really interested in learning about her. I'll definitely check this out--thanks for the post!

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